Welcome to another edition of EG Focus
Let’s start with the monthly summary:

Analytics Page Updated – https://egswap.exchange/analytics
EG Products Volume is at its all Time High.
EGSpectre Volume crosses the $1 Million in swap volume mark for the second month in a row! EGSwap SmartRouter volume up above $500K for second month in a row as well!
Unstake your EG from EGSwap Pool
We still see nearly $70K worth of EG staked in the old pool. Please unstake it asap to be ready for the new Staking Pools releasing soon.
Best Weekly Swap Volume for EGSpectre since launch
EG BuysBack $1820 of tokens from the volume generated on EGSwap
Small Buys throughout the month instead of a big bulk buy at the end which some users/snipers were anticipating and sniping. We will be using the same approach going forward.
Total bought back is now 28.8 BNB.
Gator Staking Rewards Distributed
Highest Rewards given out since we started!

The total Rewards given to Gator Gang Stakers are now 9,934,780
We entered into a partnership with FEENIX who had a very good launch on Solana. Do check them out if you are after a good Solana project to be a part of. We will be doing a lot of co-promotion events. An airdrop of FEENIX to EG Holders will arrive soon.
Liquidity Move to MEXC
A liquidity move was completed to MEXC due to the central exchange needing more funds for trading. The transaction can be seen here.
1.65% Supply Burnt on Burn.Party
We burnt 87 Million EG Tokens worth $60K – https://burn.party/party/172