STACKS is now live on EGSwap. Trade STACKS on EGSwap here
EGSwap is now the preferred place to buy STACKS.
STACKS has been whitelisted on the EGSwap so every single trade of STACKS will earn the team a share of the trading fees. These tokens will go back to the project wallet which the team can burn reducing their token supply even faster than normal.
STACKS will also benefit from EG SmartRouter which offers gas optimisation & always finds the best prices for your trades from multiple liquidity sources across the blockchain. When STACKS is listed on multiple DEXs, EG SmartRouter will automatically redirect users to the cheapest liquidity provider, thus acting as a free market maker. In the future, EG SmartRouter will also offer MEV Bot protection to stop front-running bots,
Listing on EGSwap means the team also has access to advertising, creating staking pools, buying crypto with credit/debit cards & access to EG Agency (for any tech or design/branding services) if any of these are needed in the future.
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About $STACKS:
STACKS is a token on the Binance Smart Chain.
Designed with a clear vision, STACKS aspires to not only serve as a store of value akin to the revolutionary concept of Bitcoin but also to empower its holders with passive income opportunities delivered multiple times per day. STACKS aims to revolutionize the crypto space with its unique features and transparent approach to development.