EGSwap releases new Telegram BuyBot

EGSwap is proud to announce the release of its proprietary Telegram buybot.

Due to EGSWap’s SmartRouter acting as a proxy to search the entire market for the best prices, existing buybots were incompatible and failed to accurately report buy statistics.

Attempts to collaborate with existing buybot developers for a special case adaptation for EGSwap would have required extensive development support, which they were not planning to undertake in the immediate future.

Therefore, we decided to develop our own Telegram BuyBot.

The EGSwap BuyBot is a cutting-edge addition to the EG Ecosystem, integrating data from the blockchain, our databases, the EG Staking smart contract, and the NFT Staking smart contract. It also retrieves pricing information from CoinMarketCap and PancakeSwap APIs.

This buybot provides users with real-time buy alerts and valuable information regarding the purchasing wallet’s key statistics across the EG Ecosystem.

The buybot is currently integrated with EG’s Telegram group –

The Information shown includes:

  • How much did the user spend
  • How many EG Tokens did they get
  • Link to Buying Wallet
  • Whether it’s an existing holder or a new holder
  • If existing holder, what was the % increase in their EG holdings
  • Total EG this wallet has accumulated.
  • Total EG this wallet has staked in our staking vault on EGSwap
  • The Holders Rank
  • Whether they have staked any Gators in our NFT Staking vault
  • Whether they have staked a Legendary NFT
  • Whether they are a Squad Holder (Have staked an NFT from all eight NFT squads)
  • How many Common NFTs have they staked
  • EG Price
  • EG Marketcap

We are currently testing this buybot for our EG token and its transactions on EGSwap. Our goal is to extend this service to other partners and tokens that opt for trading on EGSwap.

The EGSWap BuyBot is designed for teams seeking a custom alert solution that isn’t available on the market. We can tailor it to meet any team’s specific needs and integrate data from any database, smart contract, API, or blockchain.

Additionally, deploying this buybot in various Telegram chats will enhance the visibility of the EG Ecosystem and create advertising opportunities that could generate future revenue.

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