The ELONGATE Movement Begins

When the ELONGATE team began their journey four days ago, they never imagined they’d receive this level of enthusiasm and support. The goal was to launch a cryptocurrency fueled by memes and internet culture, and leverage that raw power to make a difference for charity. The community explosion has launched the project into a whirlwind of passion and action, and the team is committed to building a sustainable path forward.

What The Team Is Doing

To use the power of a community organized around memes and internet culture to make an impact for charity.

How They Will Do It

Charity — We can make a real impact for the greater good, not just ourselves. By donating to charity, we remind ourselves of our duty to make this world a better place for everyone.

Community — Founded by the community and for the community, we take pride in our collective mission. We support each other and other communities, and we have fun doing it.

Clarity — We share transparent information with each other and the community. We are organized, cohesive, and all push in the same direction.

Sustainability — The future is coming, and we’re ready for it. We make every decision with consideration for its ripple effects, and we are committed to a long-term vision.

In less than a week they have formed a dedicated team from around the world, working around the clock to deliver on these values.

Last night the staff had their first major team meeting where they discussed the future of this movement and community, and the astronomical potential they have to make a real difference for charities. There are some exciting announcements coming, and more details will be revealed as soon as possible.


The Developer will meet the community face to face, and do an ask-me-anything along with the Leadership Team.


  • First major donation to charity
  • Major influencer partnerships and brand activations
  • Exclusive NFTs and art drops
  • Merch store
  • Smart contract audit
  • Whitepaper release
  • Exchange listings
  • Livestreams and community events

The ELONGATE team said “We thank everyone for joining us on this major paradigm shift in the financial and investing ecosystem.”

You can read about how Elongate’s market capitalization skyrocketed within 24 hours of launching here.

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