The Metaverse is a hot and trending topic lately, but what exactly is it?
The metaverse is a shared social space with users represented by avatars. While online multiplayer games have existed for decades, the metaverse is set apart with blockchain-based ownership of land, items, and experiences. The user participates in a virtual world with a real crypto-economy.
TCG World is the largest open world Metaverse NFT platform with a massive size of 800 km^2 and 100,000 plots of land for sale. This PC game launching in 2022 will be an immersive, user-created world with an in-game emergent economy, art scene, and creature collecting and battling. TCGWorld’s partnerships are rapidly growing, having also secured exclusive arrangements with Sportemon Go and Wall Street Bets.
ELONGATE will have a 256m x 256m plot of land in the Forest region, near the central hub city. Upon launch of the game, there will be exclusive and limited Elongator avatars for sale, as well as Elongator creatures to collect, train, and battle. All of these in-game experiences and items will be tokenized as NFTs on the TCGWorld Marketplace.
To celebrate the partnership, Gold plots of land are on sale for 1 BNB.
Plots of land are limited, so any player who wishes to claim a plot of land near the Elongate HQ should do so soon. If users own land in-game with the same wallet that holds EG Tokens, they will be eligible for exclusive prizes and giveaways.

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