ELONGATE challenged their community to participate in a worldwide beach cleanup event; it was a success. The #ELONGATE4SEASIDE giveaway and charity campaign brought together Elongate community members from several countries. Participants were encouraged to clean up plastic waste at their local beaches. Sharing their actions on social media made them eligible to win money and choose which charity Elongate will contribute to for #PlasticFreeJuly.
After an incredible turnout, the winners were drawn, and the community chose which charity received the donation. Elongate donated $5,000 to the Mother Earth Foundation (MEF) located in the Philippines. MEF is an organization that has developed a 10-year plan to commit to Zero Waste in the Philippines by implementing waste assessments, ESWM training, creation of waste management and collection facilities, community education, and much more.
You can find more info at: http://www.motherearthphil.org/ or by searching the #GOFORZEROWASTE hashtag.