ELONGATE Launches Community Vote Platform

ELONGATE values and supports community feedback and input. From the very beginning, the foundation of Elongate was built on the voice of their holders and what they could collaboratively come…

ELONGATE Delivers Aid to Orphans of Nepal

Recently, Nepal has faced many socioeconomic issues. Natural disasters such as torrential downpours and landslides have contributed to the ongoing epidemic of homelessness the country is experiencing. To further add…

ELONGATE Sponsors #Run4Elongate

ELONGATE sponsored a team at the annual KBC Brussels 20km Race to support a local charity of the team’s choosing. The Elongate community in Belgium gathered together to participate in…

ELONGATE Team at London Blockchain Expo

The ELONGATE team attended the Blockchain Expo in London. This expo was a part of the larger TechEx event. Over 100 speakers and 125 exhibitors showcased industry-leading technologies related to…