ELONGATE Releases Official Whitepaper

In just over one week, the team at ELONGATE and their community have accomplished so much. After reaching over a $1 million market cap in their first 24 hours after launch, the Token has quickly gained popularity in the Binance Smart Chain space. Today, they announced the release of their official Whitepaper.

Outlined in the Elongate Whitepaper is their vision and mission on merging earning and giving powered by the blockchain. In addition, they outlined a year-long roadmap to build out technology to support this vision and mission.

A whitepaper is a crucial component of a cryptocurrency project that details the project, company, and team behind a Token, its vision, future roadmap, founding data, tokenomics and technical data.

The purpose of publicizing this document is to give potential holders technical information about the concept of the token and a roadmap for how it plans to grow and succeed. A benefit of a Whitepaper can also be to release several revisions to accommodate problems, needs, and adjustments to benefit the project/holder.

To read the ELONGATE Whitepaper, click here: elongate.cc/whitepaper

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